Unitronics’ recent launch of a new line, UniStream Remote I/O, greatly expands the reach of UniStream, the award-winning PLC + HMI controller series. The new line comprises an Ethernet-based Remote I/O adapter and a broad range of Remote I/O modules, each offering a different configuration of analog and digital I/O.
A single UniStream Remote I/O adapter can support up to 63 12mm-wide I/O modules. Each adapter comprises two Ethernet ports; this enables users to link an adapter to a controller, and then daisy-chain adapters to support up to 8 adapters per controller, enabling to increase the total number of I/Os supported by a single UniStream.
I/O configuration is a snap; users simply drag & drop the selected module to add it to the hardware configuration in UniLogic, the All-in-One programming environment.
Our full range of Unitronics products can be found within our online store here. If you do require any additional information regarding a quotation or lead time for a Unitronics product, please do get in touch with us today.